
Disclosure obligation according to § 25 Abs 5 MedienG & E-Commerce Law (§ 5 ECG):

Name of the media owner : Gilbert Knauder
Corporate object of the media owner:  Private room rental
Residence of the media owner: Ritzingerstrasse 20, 9400 Wolfsberg

contact details:

Almhaus am Hohenwart Adresse:
Klippitztörl 126, 9462 Bad St. Leonhard
Phonenumber: +43 681 202 036 39

The General Terms and Conditions of private landlords are applied.
In view of the technical features of the Internet we can not guarantee the authenticity, accuracy and completeness of the information.
There is also no guarantee for the availability of the website and its content.

The content of this website is protected by copyright. The information is intended only for personal use. Any other use, including storing in databases, copying and every form of commercial use, and disclosure to third parties – also in parts or in revised form – without the consent of Waltraud and or Gilbert Knauder is prohibited.

© 2013 Waltraud and Gilbert Knauder